
Wanted: Your Websites

As of this post we have over 320 members in the group.

We have a very broad array of professionals, from all levels of recruiting, sales, corporate and leadership at Allegis Group.

As I have written before, our purpose is to form a LinkedIn group with several potential benefits:
1.) A resource for us to partner with each other - whether we have moved on to new staffing firms or other corporate entities with external recruiting needs.
2.) An outlet for us to recruit one another - a resource for any of us who has found themselves looking for a new opportunity or new employee.
3.) A resource to reconnect with long lost co-workers

The blog belongs to all of us. The only stipulation, as I have also written before, is that we keep the content clean. This is not a venue to discredit, slander, or otherwise seek to damage the Allegis Group of Companies. We all had different experiences there. In looking at where people have gone since, I can discern that many of us learned a great amount from the opportunity. We are at different junctions in our lives now, and that is where the group will provide value.

That said, any positions that any of you would like placed on the blog, feel free to forward to me. Congrats to IQ Navigator for being the first to take me up on the offer. 

Also, I would like to set up a links section, with the links for each of the member's websites. I plan to categorize them as well - i.e. Recruiting Firms, Service Firms, Manufacturing Firms, etc. If you would like your website included, email me the name of your company, the website, and the main focus of your company.


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