
417 Members

Good Afternoon,

Just a quick note. The Group was launched April 25th. We have 417 Members as of this posting.

I would like to congratulate Jeff Meinen, who was the first one to drink the Koolaide and join. Incidentally, if you need custom counter tops, Jeff is your EX-TEK connection.

It is nothing short of amazing to review the collective experience of all of you.

Thanks for growing the group. I have no idea what I mean by that...as the pure functionality of it may take some time to surface. For now, what has been most rewarding for me has been reconnecting with some long, long, lost acquaintances and friends. Jason Pitzel, it was great to track you down. Dan Rottinghaus, you are the man! Tony Noblio - call me. Clay Stockton - the same. Mario Lambert - if you are reading this then you now have the right link.

I am trying to track down:
Reed Worrell
David Reda
Zandy Williams
Vic Stacy
Phil Wilke
David Denor
and several others...

I am opening up the comments section for you to post any of your "whatever happened to" requests.


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